So I had someone ask me to kind of diagram out where I put all the pieces on Rey's staff. Please understand that this was made right after the film came out, so not a ton of detailed photos were out there. I did the best I could at judging where things were and what they appeared to be. The height is definitely not accurate; still have no clue how tall it should be. I built it to look right next to me the way it looked next to her. (I believe I held one of my arms straight up and cut it off to the wrist.)
Criticize it if you want, but I worked with what I had, which was: a long PVC pipe, craft foam, hot glue, spray paint, a little fabric paint, 2 metal belt loops, a suspender strap, strips of leather, some carbon-fiber-textured contact paper, and spare fabric.
First things first, sand the pipe! Not a ton, but you don't want to glue all this detail on there just to have it peel off 30 minutes after you have finished. Next, I split it into 4 sections so as to easily map out where I wanted everything in relation to how it would fit in a given area. I got a sharpee and just drew out the basic shapes first so I would keep everything in the relative location. There are several areas that you just have to play around with and sample to figure out how it best works for you, like how you want to layer the foam. There are several places where it was just one piece of foam, lots of places had none, and quite a few places are 3 layers thick (especially where it appears to dome or shrink). You can layer thicker hot glue there or put foam, just play around on some scrap pvc beforehand. If you look close at mine, you can see that I glued on the belt loops too late and just stuck on some foam pieces, but they are supposed to go underneath the strips that look to have the button/bolt thing on there.
Please let me know if you have questions or can't read anything. Just line up the letters (B to B, C to C, etc) and good luck! FYI, in the drawing, the darker grey is where it is just PVC pipe and paint... hopefully that shows a good base for you.
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