Star Lord helmet gets lens update, too!

So, I've been sitting on some children's red-lens, star-shaped sunglasses for about 6 months; saw them in michaels and knew I'd use them for something. Got home and they didn't fit the Ant Man helmet, but perfectly fit into the Star Lord lens area. I was super eager to redo those lenses because they were dang near IMPOSSIBLE to see through before! Really, made of clear plastic and red wrapping cellophane with a tea strainer backing to give it the tech look worked for photos, but I had to keep taking it on and off when I wore it to a convention. So naturally, walking through Home Goods, I see a strainer that is larger than the tiny tea strainer I used before and hold it up to my eye...I can see through it easily! So I buy it on the spot for all of $3.97 and go straight home to try it out. Glad I had done this before, because I avoided getting tiny metal shavings all over my bed where I do most of my work. The new lenses are gorgeous and have more of a warm red tint that really helps offset the cool blue lights that are on the inside shining down, making the overall look more of a "red" than "purple." Huge improvement! Even if you can see my eye behind it and can't see his in the film, it is nice to be able to see for a change. Plus, the larger strainer metal is way more noticeable in photos, giving a more obvious tech-look than before! (after above, before below)

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