So, I've been sitting on some children's red-lens, star-shaped sunglasses for about 6 months; saw them in michaels and knew I'd ...
Home » Archive for Juni 2015
Ant Man Helmets Gets Lense Update
So, the Ant Man helmet before was quite riddled with places that weren't quite accurate enough for me... the strip was inset in an odd ...
Vision: Facepaint Study
Yeah, had another boring night at home and had nothing better to do. Even got a leftover gem from my infinity gauntlet (coincidentally that...
mjolnir toy hammer upgrade
thor age of ultron cosplay
thor age of ultron costume
thor hammer toy upgrade
thor rule 63 cosplay
Thor Costume Update 6/15/15
Actually got a pretty good bit done this past weekend, but not many pics to show it all off. The most progress that I achieved this weekend ...
Guardians of the galaxy cosplay
guardians of the galaxy movie prop diy
guardians of the galaxy orb diy
Updated Guardians of the Galaxy Infinity Gem Orb
So the first one I made was closer to the same size, but it was a speedy project that isn't close enough to "movie accurate" f...
mad max cosplay
mad max fury road cosplay
mad max fury road prop
Mad max prop
rule 63 mad max fury road cosplay
Mad Max Mask (with makeup)
Got bored again last night haha. So, I weathered the "bloodbag mask" and made the tube full of blood weave through the chain and t...